Immanuel God With Us

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

That moment when when you have four different pairs of boots to choose from as you rush out the door, to jump in your warm car, to have coffee with your friend in her cute little decorated house, with her little ones playing on the floor. Feeling a mix of emotions and beyond grateful.....



Then stop to remember all the sweet little faces,the warm little hands that held tightly on to yours, the belly giggles that made your heart skip a beat, the moment when an adorable two year old falls asleep in your arms with his loving mamma smiling right beside.

.....and the wonder in eyes as they hear the Gospel of Jesus for the first time. And the hope He promises...

And they will call Him Immanuel "which means God with us" Matthew 1:23 

Regardless of lack or gain God is faithful to His promises, and He promises to be with us

When our eyes can get past the heart breaking poverty, or past the material possessions that crowd out the voice of the Holy Spirit

One thing still stands, Immanuel God is with us!

 Our eyes can get caught up with earthly things so easily, and I am the first one on that train, dreams not yet fulfilled, circumstances that seem too heavy to bear one more day, death of a family member or friend, broken hearts, split families....

Regardless if you find yourself in a 3rd world country or 1st. God is with you, it was not His plan for death and sickness, His plan was the Garden, but because of His love for us despite of a sin fallen world He made a way and sent His Son Jesus to be with us, and save us from an eternity apart from Him

He does promise Peace that passes all understanding Philippians 4:7

*{we had the opportunity and humbling privilege to pray over and speak into the life of this pastor as a church was just built on an island where voodoo is the majority for spiritual practice}
 He promises us Fullness of Joy in His presence Psalm 16:12

.....Our Helper the Holy Spirit John 14:15

Delight in all circumstances Job 22:26

Because of Him we can boldly sing "Death Where is your Sting".... 

I stand in complete awe and wonder of my Jesus, the One that faithfully waits to meet with me every morning, with my coffee in hand, bible on my lap,while its still dark, the Creator of the world meets with me and reminds me His promises are yes and amen!! 
This was just one lesson the Lord spoke to me as I spent two weeks with these amazing followers of Christ. Be encouraged dear friend!

With Love, Melissa <3


  1. Beautiful capture of God's work in your life as you ministered to others, and in their lives. It is very humbling to see our mighty God at work in us and others. Immanuel!! What a miracle! :):)

  2. Finally had the time to read this, and oh my I loved every second of it. :) Made me think back to my days in India loving on the children there. Missing this!!


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