People would ask me when I was preparing to travel to Brazil or Africa, "Do you feel called to be on the mission field, in one of these countries?" my answer was always, "No, I know for this season of life God has called me to work the ground in our own soil here in the states, but to go on these short mission trips to learn from other cultures in their pursuit of God, so I could better be the hands and feet of Jesus in my own region, neighborhood and home here in the states." This was the original intent of over sees mission trips.
At the beginning of 2018 I started to get excited to think where else God would have me travel on missions work. But He quickly reminded me of the purpose of these trips, Brazil, Turkey (a short visit with lasting impact) and Africa. I knew at that moment,looking for the next trip was off the radar, but instead reflect on the personal lessons God spoke to me on different soil around the world, and how He wanted me to think differently and serve my community differently. So I pretty much just fell off the face of social media and worked hard to be present in the wonderful life God has given me, and scout out ways I could start walking in the lessons God spoke to me!
Do you ever feel "stuck" in life? I doubt I am the only one, and as the holiday season started to roll around again, I was beginning to feel just plain old stuck. That's when God sweetly brought to mind the doors He has opened since my trip to Africa, and it amazed me so very much. Thanks to implementing quarterly goal setting this past year personally and with business it made the process very simple to recount the faithfulness of God. This is what I would love to share with you now, my faithful friends and family who have supported me in so many ways on these mission trips and here in the states. My desire is to truly thank each one of you for you partnership with me, making it a possibility for me to go on theses trips, and for you to see what GOD has done through your support.
Lesson #1
This Lesson I unfortunately do not have pictures to go along with the story due to privacy, so you can just use your imagination!
Location: Manaus Brazil Orphanage Spring 2017
I remembering meeting these sweet children, my heart bursting with joy and breaking all in the same moment, feelings of never wanting to leave this home. I remember thinking how I wished there was a place like this back home in the states that I could serve at, to spend time with little ones that do not have a home and family.
Answered Prayer: Fast forward Summer 2018 God made the connection and flew open doors for a small group of friends to start a Bible Study in a local girls home, that I did not even know existed!! Even more amazing, this home is 20 min from my house!! God has given our team so much favor, He has answered many years of prayers by others for a group from our church to have the privilege of serving at this home (that I didn't even know existed) and I get to walk on the paved path of prayers I didn't even know where being prayed! This has been such a humbling realization. We are getting to know amazing young ladies, who are so serious in understanding what it is to have a relationship with God, and are growing each week as they hear how great the Fathers LOVE is for them! If you ever want to hear more, please just ask, I normally cant stop talking about my Tuesday nights with these girls!
Please stay posted for more blogs I will be writing to share the work God has been actively doing since these trips you have supported me on. May I encourage you, if you are feeling a little stuck in life, or the season your in, to think back on prayers you have prayed and just look for that golden thread of the ways God worked out little details. I find it too easy to miss or take things for granite when I am not intentional in rejoicing over answered prayers, before I move on to the next one! Hindsight is really is 20/20, I think that may be one of the reason the Bible is so wonderful to spend time reading ;)but looking back at our own journey it builds our faith to take that next step following those dreams God has put deep in our hearts! Keep day dreaming and praying because the dream of working with children who don't have a home, came true for me :)
Loving this song right now Day Dream JJ Heller
Awww I love it!! Everything is So true!! We sometimes miss what God is doing in the little cuz we think we should be overseas doing missions work when God has great things planned for us here❤��