Begining of Advent

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

 Each Christmas I love taking the month of December and studying the Christmas story and events surrounding the arrival of Jesus to scout out new treasures!
This year between our Thursday morning bible study ladies and Monday night girls study we decided to try out the She Reads Truth  Joy to the World Advent book! Filled with Old Testament Prophecies fulfilled in the new testament, maps, charts, recipes and the prettiest photography!

" Joy to the World " Did you know this hymn was written by Isaac Watts from Psalm 98!? I was amazing to read the Psalm with a new set of eyes from this perspective that Isaiah was prophesying about the Joy that would become a reality because of the Birth of Christ who gives is victory over sin!!

Last Monday night my house was filled with ladies of all ages, the women that I get to walk though life with, and we created our own Advent Candles! We read the Christmas story, reminding us that at Christmas we not only remember the coming of Christ as a baby but to prepare our hearts for His return once again!

 Aunt Judy helping Anna :)

 This little guy was helping keep an eye on us!


~~~~~Advent : Remembering Christ's Birth and Anticipating His return! ~~~~~~

Praying this Christmas you find new treasures in the Birth of our Savior Jesus!

Loving { This Song } right now!

Merry Christmas!

Family Team On Mission

For those of you who have been on mission trips, or even part of any team, when stepping off the plane, after returning from a missions trip...

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