The Search For a Masterpiece

Saturday, June 22, 2019

You are Gods masterpiece created for Good work long ago that we should walk in them. Eph. 2:10

God created man in His own image. Gen 1:26

Have you ever met someone who just really did a certain task, job, sport.... well? Like really well!? That you might call them a master!? 

I love Ephesians 2:10 it tells me that every single person is a masterpiece of Gods. 

a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship

Van Goghs masterpiece is well known as his “Café Terrace at Night”

Picassos masterpiece - Guernica

How about music? 

Mozart ....  eine kleine nachtmusik

Beethoven Für Elise is a familiar tune to most ears! 

Each of these people gave the world their masterpiece, a masterpiece that will be known forever. 

God says that each person He creates is His work of Art, His masterpiece, there are no two people the same, even with twins, fingerprints prove Gods works of art on each life. It’s really ... really an amazing thought. Marking individuality, identity, a masterpiece. 

A study done by Washington state twin Registry states “twins share the same genetic makeup (DNA) because they are formed from a single zygote (fertilized egg). However, fingerprints are not an entirely genetic characteristic. They are determined by the interaction of genes in the developmental environment of the womb.”

Over the past few years I have started to take note of this amazing concept, as I have had the privilege of traveling to different places of the world or even when I am home I love looking for masterpieces in people!! 

Whether it’s a person, a culture, or business, who they are as Gods  masterpiece shines bright every time! 

What I love about this concept is it reminds me that each person, culture or business establishment has value, purpose, meaning and shines bright as a piece of who their Creator is. 

The value and worth of humans being a masterpiece breaks any barriers or opposed opinions, politic views, pro this or pro that, it builds a bridge that would otherwise separate people. Because each person is a gift to the world and holds a masterpiece within them that no other person who has ever lived, is living or will live can possess, otherwise it could not be called a masterpiece. 

Here is a compiled findings of masterpieces that I have gathered as I look for masterpieces around me! It’s by no means an exhausted list, and it’s just my personal view of masterpieces I have met along the way, a peek into the character God, who creates everything for good, these people have inspired me to be the best version of myself that I can be!
Puerto Rico 
Sitting and visiting with the locals on this beautiful island I metpeople  who were hospitable, very welcoming, and easy going. Even at the grocery store when I was slowing down the line fumbling through my money the checkout girl just gave me the sweetest smile, she wasn’t bothered in the least bit, she was letting my know it was okay even when we didn’t speak the same language her kindness translated.
Benin Africa 
Deep joy even when circumstances beg to differ. Community that watched out for each other. Confident, respectful children who spent the first two or so years of their life tied to there mammas with beautiful African fabric. These people welcomed me in and made me feel as we grew up together as family.

Family, togetherness, hospitality and amazing food! I could justfeel the deep belonging in the families we got to know. They lived together, work together and played together.

Honor • My brother Paul traveled to this beautiful part of the world and was so amazed how these people honored one another especially their elders. Regardless of how many people were crammed into a tuk tuk if a older person or lady stepped aboard others would jump of their seat to offer it up. He said these people are hard workers and so friendly, he could even sense the kindness the moment he boarded the Thailand plane.

Even though my time here was short, I was instantly felt commitment. Maybe because it holds one of the oldest cities in the world, But these people were committed to what they believe and it was inspiring. Throughout the city when it was time for prayer you could not miss it by the beautiful sound of united voices. I saw traditions passed down from generations and this is a quality that is so rare it was humbling to witness. 
So instead of picking apart others because they hold a differentview, it has been a joy to searchfor the masterpiece in each person. Each person and culture holds a treasure that no other person has, and we can learn fromone another regardless of how different we may be! 
You are a masterpiece as well, don’t hide from the world the treasure are. The world needs you to make it a better place! ❤️

Family Heritage

Thursday, March 7, 2019

I absolutely love the little ones in my life more then life itself. The last couple of years my heart has begun to break as I see what our current generation of children are facing. You know that common pray that is often prayed “Lord break my heart for what breaks yours” well he takes us up on that prayer! He will open our eyes to an area in this world that is hurting and broken, and He will commission us to fight for change.

I have watched as the little ones I love have a reality of an astronomical rise in depression, anxiety, self harm, child sex, suicide, school shootings, divided families by divorce, bullying, rape, drugs and alcohol addictions and the list goes on and on. All of these things are on the rise in our children’s lives.

Click here to read about Recent Studies 

So I asked the Lord what is missing? Where are we going wrong for our little ones? And even though this is not a one fix all kind of answer it’s definitely made sense. I found this article that really resonated in me. Click link below :)

I personally have learned we have been created with a deep need for belonging and knowing our identity. And without this we are open and vulnerable to

Whatever and whoever will give us a sense of love and belonging whether it’s good for us or not.

So I shared this with my family and we set our to learn more about who we are as McMillans.

Thankfully the research was quite easy because I have aunts and uncles who love history, heritage and have researched and have been handed down so much of our own personal family legacy!

I asked my aunt Deb if we could have a “Family heritage day” and she excitedly agreed!

My brother Paul brought his camera gear and put mikes on our aunts and uncles and the stores began!

My Uncle Robin is an avid family tree researcher and has traces our family line as far back as 200 AD!

We heard stories of the first family that came to America and homesteaded the Crystal Lake area at the corner of Hwy 14 and Dole St where they opened a family run blacksmith shop at their home! One of the daughters wrote in her diary that hwy 14 was an Indian trail, she talked about the academics she learned at school but was it was at home where she was taught her religion faithfully”

Being that the McMillan is a strong Scottish name, I learned that we have a family crest! Which is inscribed the clan motto! The Clan Motto thereon is MISERIS SUCCURRERE DISCO, meaning (in English) "I learn to care for the unfortunate”

Talk about a sense of belonging and feeling that a belong to something bigger then myself!? It has given me such a confidence boost, knowing how our family was identified and what we were known for! “Caring for the unfortunate”

We have right before our eyes a generation of children that are being raised in broken families or even families that are loosing its hand in deep connection because of phones that are present all of the time, each individual child has no idea their worth and value, their identity and how much they are loved and have been born into this world to do great things. I pray this story inspires you to meet with your family and dig out old pictures and tell stories of your family heritage to pass down to your little ones that you love and cherish!

Let’s not be overcome with the evil of this world but overcome evil with good!

Family Team On Mission

For those of you who have been on mission trips, or even part of any team, when stepping off the plane, after returning from a missions trip...

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